Tackling FASD and ADHD
The Catholic Health Care Association (CATHCA) is currently piloting a community-based project titled, “Promoting community-based strategies to address foetal alcohol spectrum and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders in disadvantaged areas of Gauteng, South Africa.”
The 6 month project, spanning from January to June 2025 will be implemented in Winterveld, Orange Farm, and Soweto, Gauteng, to address the prevention, early detection and mitigation challenges of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Funded by Misean Cara, the project seeks to:
(1) improve community knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours pertaining to the prevention, early detection, and mitigation of FASD/ADHD;
(2) enhance access to support services for expectant mothers and families affected to varying degrees by these disorders; and
(3) tackle systemic inefficiencies through multi-stakeholder advocacy and capacity building for Department of Health members.
Focusing on disadvantaged communities, particularly women, children, and vulnerable groups, the project integrates health, social, and educational systems to promote sustainable behavioural and systemic change through advocacy, referrals, and collaborative stakeholder engagement.
Catholic Health Care Association
Address: 7 The Haven
Cor. Tottenham Rd & Jellicoe Ln
PO Box 52015
Phone: 011 880-4022
Email: jane.sutherland@cathca.org
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