“Violence has always been in the community, but now we want to help find the solution.” CATHCA/Inkanyezi Community Advocate, South Africa The dedication and resourcefulness of the Inkanyezi Community Advocates make a profound difference in the lives of...
The CRUX : CATHCA Speaks Out on GBVF in South Africa Recently in The CRUX, CATHCA highlighted “dual epidemics of HIV/AIDS and GBVF currently in South Africa.” The article covered the violent gender based murder of Hillary Gardee in Mbombela. ...
CATHCA Conducts GBV and Mental Health Training Workshop CATHCA Project Managers shared their experience and insight with members of the Mountainview Organization in Grasmere.The workshop last week included training members in issues of gender based violence and mental...
Faith Action joins the United Nations in South Africa to end gender based violence and femicide.Every year, on May 15th, the International Day of the Family is celebrated throughout the World.This year will propel their focus on gender justice, human dignity and...